Family and Doctors
![]() It doesn’t seem to be that long ago I first met Dr. David Cook. I first took note of him in the delivery room at the birth of our second child, Miriam. Before Miriam was born we were looking for a pediatrician for Hannah. New to the area, it seemed that we chose the one Dr. that no one in our circle knew and now he stood ready to handle our new little baby. From the start I could tell he was more than a doctor. He was a father. As his gentle hands worked over this new life, he watched and listened. I stood next to him waiting for his assessment about this little Thomas child not realizing how significant his role, in my family, would be from here on out. He would become our children’s physician. As the years passed, he would be there for the well child check-ups, fevers, colds and coughs. As we waited in a small room, we knew the “doctor” would soon be in for the exam. “Knock, knock.” Clunking clogs would tap the floor and the aroma of some type of tea would fill the air as Dr. Cook entered the room. Once more, I would find myself standing and waiting to hear from our physician the outcome we should take. In 2003, Caleb was born and Dr. Cook was there. It was funny to watch him use my son as a… “squirt gun” on the nurses standing by. I think I even heard him laugh with joy as he did this, but I’m not sure. Needless to say, it is one of my fondest memories. I was glad to have him there. Last year, in March, we had our son Adam. As I entered the room I was looking at many things I had grown familiar with, however, one thing was missing… our children’s physician. There were just a couple of nurses. NURSES?! Where’s our children’s doctor? Their reply, “Insurance doesn’t allow that any more.” What does insurance know about family? Even though they wouldn’t let him in the operating room, he was there shortly after the birth to welcome Adam into the world. But I have to say it was different. I missed his presence in the operating room. I’m thankful for this father who is a great pediatrician. It’s nice to not just have a “doctors visit” but friendship. I love to hear of his children’s studies, weddings and all about vacation time. It is positive and encouraging to me as a father. I can’t imagine the number of children he has helped. I imagine God only knows that. Yet, this gentle healer’s hands have touched the future through the lives of the little ones he has cared for. What more could anyone ask for? Peace. Johno~ Labels: children, cook, doctor, family, healer, kids, thomas |